The 2013 Collection

Mike Marrero ’82

A shaggy bear statue sports a CU scarf, pompom, and foam sports fan paw

In honor of my significant birthday and to commemorate our full-house legacy with youngest son Troy’s acceptance to Class of 2023, Cathy Caliguire Marrero ‘84 had Essex, MA, sculptor Chris Williams create Touchdown 6.0, the newest addition to this Cornell family. Mike ’82, Cathy ’84, Tyler ’13, Trevor ’16, and finally Troy ’23 cannot wait … Continue reading Mike Marrero ’82

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Cornell 150th in Bermuda

Bermuda charter 150th

Sesqui celebration, Port O Call Restaurant, Hamilton, Bermuda At possibly the smallest 150th gathering, Chris Downey ’90, C. Michael Wellman MBA ’14, and Bob Forness ’87 represented the financial and reinsurance industries. Lindsay Liotta Forness ’84 was the sole Hotelie. Walwyn (Idwal) Hughes ’54 and David Wingate ’57 mesmerized us with tales of fisheries, birding, … Continue reading Cornell 150th in Bermuda

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