The Cornell Club of Mid-America (located in Kansas City and serving both Kansas and Missouri) held its annual “Holiday Party and Scholarship Fundraiser” at the home of Marty ’63 and Dianne ’66 Lustig. Zachary Ruben ’11, a professional photographer and videographer, was able to get the group together to take the attached photo. In the picture is also one of our Club’s professional chefs, Allen Wright ’87–he’s the really tall guy in the back—who helped with food preparation.
Unable to attend was Carl Thorne-Thomsen (1991), Executive Chef and Owner of Story, one of Kansas’ Best Restaurants, but who contributed a platter of appetizers (crab with cucumber on endive) and a bottle of wine for the silent auction. The silent auction held in conjunction with the Holiday Party raised over $750 to go towards the Cornell Club of Mid-America Scholarship Fund.