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Confessions of a (Freshman) Shopaholic

“Don’t do it. It isn’t worth it. You can’t afford it.” That’s what I tell myself every time I “just look” at the fashions on As a broke college freshman, my sensible mind is telling me I can’t keep buying all these clothes and shoes. But whenever I visit the website, my self control […]


Red Stiletos“Don’t do it. It isn’t worth it. You can’t afford it.”

That’s what I tell myself every time I “just look” at the fashions on As a broke college freshman, my sensible mind is telling me I can’t keep buying all these clothes and shoes. But whenever I visit the website, my self control vanishes as fast as my money.

Being a freshman at Cornell, I seem to get trapped on North Campus; I don’t go to the mall as much as I would at home. And I find that with endless homework, and the exhaustion that follows, I crave a constant pick-me-up. Unfortunately, my personal poison is online shopping.

My friends not only accept my behavior—they encourage it. We all love the anticipation of opening our mailboxes and finding slips that signify hefty packages. Even more, we love the fashion show that follows. While singing the new hit song “Call Me, Maybe” at the top of our lungs, my friends and I pretend to be models—not engineers or history majors—as we show off our new goodies.

But after I’m done being Tyra Banks, reality hits and I pray that one day I will learn self control. But while I’m waiting for moderation to find me, those red stilettos are looking mighty fine.

— Alexandra Kirby ’15
