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When It’s OK to Sleep in Class

As I sit in Helen Newman Hall, listening to New Age music and muttering the mantra shanti, shanti, shanti under my breath, I think how completely relaxed I am. I feel as if I am the Buddha himself. This ninety-minute gym class—called Music, Movement, and Meditation—not only satisfies one of my physical education requirements, it […]


Meditation classAs I sit in Helen Newman Hall, listening to New Age music and muttering the mantra shanti, shanti, shanti under my breath, I think how completely relaxed I am. I feel as if I am the Buddha himself. This ninety-minute gym class—called Music, Movement, and Meditation—not only satisfies one of my physical education requirements, it also gives me time to relax.

Each class starts with a leisurely walk, whether it be around Beebe Lake on a gorgeous day or inside Helen Newman on a rainy one. In addition to offering some exercise, the walk also gives us the chance to know each other. Then comes the yoga portion of the class. Now, I think it’s safe to say that I am not the most relaxed person on the planet—but when I perform the yoga poses, nothing in the world seems stressful.

After our sociable walk and peaceful yoga, we move onto the best part of the class: sleeping. Well, to be fair, it is supposed to be meditation. However, in the positive and calming atmosphere, I cannot help but drift off.

Sadly, Music, Movement, and Meditation can’t last forever. The only disappointing part is when our teacher hits the gong signaling that my favorite class is at an end.

— Alexandra Kirby ’15
