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Big Red ‘Themeless’ Crossword

A challenging puzzle akin to a New York Times Saturday

David Liben-Nowell's profile shot


David Liben-Nowell ’99 is a professor of computer science at Carleton College in Minnesota, where his work focuses on theoretical computer science, particularly its application to the social sciences. In the last year he has published a textbook on discrete mathematics for computer scientists, lost a curling game to an Olympian, visited at least two (and not more than four) speakeasies, and spent a considerable amount of time being surprised that he now seems to live in the Midwest.

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07 themeless

If you want even more Cornell-themed crosswords, you will find two by Fred Piscop ’70 in our September/October 2017 article “Puzzling it Out” and one by Adam Perl ’67 in our sesquicentennial Cornelliana.
