September/October 2018 articles
From Martha Pollack
Active Learning Initiative Goes University-Wide
From the Hill
News and updates from campus
New releases
Big Red Highlights
Ezra Magazine Extra
Physics professor Julia Thom-Levy, vice provost for academic innovation, on the University’s efforts to “create vibrant and challenging opportunities for learning” by pursuing novel teaching methods
Alumni Deaths
A list of deaths reported to us since the previous issue
Stepping Stones: More than a handy shortcut, the Baldwin Memorial Stairway honors an alum who perished in World War I
Water World
A look at the past, present, and future of CU’s iconic Beebe Lake—which, like the University itself, traces its roots to Ezra
The Replicator Revolution
A pioneer in the digital fabrication movement, MIT professor Neil Gershenfeld, PhD ’90, believes that fab-lab technology will change the world
Night Lights
NYC-based ornithologist Andrew Farnsworth ’95, PhD ’07, studies birds’ nocturnal migration—including how it’s thrown off by the annual 9/11 memorial tribute