Articles written by: Cornell Alumni Magazine
Hunger Pangs
On the Hill and elsewhere, there’s growing awareness that some college students can’t afford to feed themselves
Correspondence Course
Through a CU-based program, student volunteers enrich the lives of prison inmates nationwide
The Votes Are In
A century after New York ratified the Nineteenth Amendment, a new book recalls the Cornellians who fought for women’s suffrage
Fun with Fungus: A quintessentially Cornellian course has taught thousands of students about the wonders of ‘Magical Mushrooms’
Ticket to Ride
Becky Katz ’09 is Atlanta’s ‘chief bicycle officer’
Norse Code
New minor explores the complexities of the Viking Age
On the Ball
The Engineering college’s Matan Presberg ’18 has juggled his way to multiple world records
Crime & Punishment
New minor tackles the complexities of mass incarceration
Stars Above: North Campus’s Fuertes Observatory Turns 100
September/October 2015
The changing face of Collegetown, saving the Atlantic puffin, boosting broccoli, and campus tours.
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