Articles written by: James Roberts
Heads Up
In a new book on head injury in hockey, Ken Dryden ’69 tells one player’s cautionary tale—and advocates rule changes to protect others
John Marcham ’50, 1927–2014
In memoriam: John Marcham ’50, a journalist to the core.
Ken Dryden ’69 updates his hockey classic, and Sports Shorts
Bit by Bit
A new form of publishing honors a pioneering researcher
Social Studies
Singer-songwriter Julie Kathryn ’01 releases debut album
Forward into the Past
Cornell joins edX and will begin to produce MOOCs
Yesterday, Today—and Tomorrow
Photographer Alan Nyiri uses digital techniques to offer a new perspective on the University
World View
An interview with Robert Harrison ’76, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Letter from Ithaca
Goodbye, Chris—Welcome, Jim