Issue Archive
July/August 2017
Martha Pollack: Getting to know our fourteenth president, a tour of dorm murals, Philadelphia Zoo CEO Vik Dewan ’76, and Reunion 2017. Click here to download the PDF from our archive at eCommons.
Meet Martha Pollack
Cornell’s new president chats with CAM about her first weeks on campus, her approach to the job, her cultural touchstones, her credo to ‘be kind,’ and much more
Wild Kingdom
Veteran banker Vik Dewan ’76 is the unlikely leader of America’s oldest zoo
Wall Art
A colorful tour of Cornell’s dorm murals
More Wall Art
Do you have fond memories of these and other campus murals? Share them in the comments—and please include photos if you have them!
Letters to the Editor
From Martha Pollack
A New President’s First Assignment: Listening & Learning
From the Hill
News and updates from campus
New Releases
Big Red Highlights
Alumni Deaths
Obituaries received through May 2017
Natural Resource: The renamed Cornell Botanic Gardens expands its mission
Big Red Writers Special Section
Cornell-affiliated authors showcase their works. Our advertisers help support your alumni magazine. Give them a look!
Ezra Magazine Extra
Collaboration across (baseball) fields leads to Amazonian rivers
Thanks for the Memories
Reunion 2017
He’s Got the Beat
Leo Ikenaga ’12 tours the world as a member of Japan’s premier taiko drumming group
Green Goddess
Zaro Bates ’11 tends an urban farm on Staten Island
Brew Master
Raise a glass to Penn researcher Patrick McGovern ’66, the Indiana Jones of ancient alcohol
Sound Track
How long-forgotten recordings by David Newburge ’57 sparked a trip through CAM’s archives—and a performance art show now in NYC
Star Man
Above the clouds on Hawaii’s Mauna Kea, Simon Radford ’79 runs the Smithsonian’s submillimeter telescope
A New Leaf
CALS leads New York State’s efforts to reintroduce industrial hemp, marijuana’s long-suffering sister plant
Whole Cloth
How an outward change—donning the headscarf—altered the way a Muslim student sees herself
Crime & Punishment
New minor tackles the complexities of mass incarceration